Yesterday, the children and I were taking a nap when I heard a tapping at my back door. It is a sliding glass door, so I was able to see what was making the noise. A crow had stepped up on our back porch and tapped the door, to annoy our dogs, or so I thought. Well, the dogs went crazy and off flew that crazy bird.
Later that day, I called my mother to tell her about my day. Of course, I had to share the story of the bird. She then explained to me how some people believe that Crows are Messengers. I looked it up online and sure enough, she was right. Countless cultures look at the crow as a harbringer of powerful secrets. The business of the crow is in both keeping and communicating deep mysteries. The crow is often heard to cackle utterances that sound like, "cras, cras.' The actual word cras is tomorrow in Latin. This information helps fuel the fire in that Crows foretell the future and reveal omens and signs. All of this brings me to this morning....
Mike and I packed up the kids to take them to Playtown, the indoor playground I told you all about. We stopped for gas and headed on our way. We were going to take the I-8, but I changed my mind at the last minute and we continued down Santo Road. Chris started to cry because he thought we were going home...I swear his sense of direction is amazing. We passed our road and waved goodbye and the tears instantly dried up. He now knew we were headed to the playground.
We passed through two stop lights and all was well. You could feel the excitement in the car. I approached intersection number 3 and we had a green light. Green means Go, right? Mike yelled, "Watch out babe". I didn't see it in time. Someone ran a red light and hit us on the driver's side. My side and little man's side. I immediately look in the back seat and the kids are fine. Chris is a little wide eyed and Leila isn't phased at all. The other driver walks towards us and tries to open my door. It won't budge. I rolled the window down and he immediately asked if we were alright. We were and still are. We pulled our vehicles to the side of the road and out of the intersection. This is where I lost it. Mike got out of the car to change information with the other driver. I am pretty positive that I went into a light shock. My God, what if something would have happened to my children. The more I thought about it, the more hysterical I got. That is when little man started saying, "Don't cry momma." "I ok momma." "You happy Momma?" I looked in the back seat again and his little face was bright red and his eyes were watering...all because I was upset. I quickly composed myself and we all went home.
A couple hours later I received a message from someone I have not spoken to in years. I mean, it has been since high school since we have talked. Well, she had a dream about me and she believes that when you dream of someone you haven't been in contact with for a while, that you need to pray for them. I am so thankful for that.
I have had most of the day to reflect on everything that has happened. I am not a religious person and I am not a big believer in superstitions or myths. Even though I laughed at the idea of the crow...a small part of me kept thinking about it and even more so now. Was it trying to tell me something?? Did it know?? What are the odds of someone dreaming about and praying for me when I haven't talked to them in years?? Makes a person think....
I strongly believe in Native American spirituality. Daughter you are safe. Crow not only might be a harbringer of secrets but he also reminds us to be aware. To listen. To watch. I love you and am so thankful you are all doing well.