Monday, August 30, 2010


Today, I realized just how "girlie" my daughter truly is. She wanted to wear a dress today. She even brought me the exact dress she wanted to wear. It is a beautiful turquoise, sleeveless, flowing in the wind, type of dress. I put it on her and her whole face lightens up. She grabs a bit of fabric in each hand and twirls around the kitchen. I just have to shake my head and chuckle a little bit...where does she get this prissiness. After watching her little performance, I decided to put her hair in a little ponytail. This she also loves. She came prancing into our living room and passed her big brother, who looked at her with wide eyes and said, "Momma, sissy is a pretty princess." I just smiled and said, "Yes, yes she is honey." She will always be my little pretty princess and he will always be my little man. Forever and Always!

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